Archives: Events

OWL: Living with Mental Illness

Most people know someone living with mental illness or may experience it themselves. There are many skills that can be acquired to manage mental illness in daily living. This 1-hour seminar will explore common mental health disorders, provide effective ways to support someone with a mental illness, and promote wellness and eliminate stigma associated with...


Caregiver Wellness (OWL)

Caregiving is a role that we play daily to others that are in our lives simply because we care for and love those individuals. Through this 1-hour seminar, participants will recognize and manage stress as an aspect of self-care and explore strategies to develop or add to your self-care plan. Click here to register now....


Adulting 101 (LEAP)

Youth and young adults are juggling completing school, finding a career, staying healthy, and trying to maintain a social life now and then. This leaves little time to figure out complicated life choices such as household maintenance, budgeting and managing credit, and health and life insurance. Join us for a general overview of things to...


Question, Persuade, and Refer Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention is an educational program designed to teach gatekeepers-those who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide (e.g., parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, caseworker, police officers)-the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to respond by following three steps: Question the...


Character Counts (LEAP)

Navigating your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors within the world can be challenging and confusing. While trying to gain self-awareness we not only have to manage our own emotions but also be able to build positive and healthy relationships with others and be responsible in our decision-making. This workshop supports building character for success, and you...


Mental Health 101 (OWL)

Everyone has mental health, it is defined by how we think, feel, behave, and cope. Through this 1-hour seminar, participants will learn to explain the difference between mental distress and mental illness, describe common mood and anxiety disorders and their signs and symptoms, and demonstrate effective coping strategies during period of stress. Click here to...


Workplace Wellness (OWL)

Maintaining a healthy balance between work and home improves work performance and personal relationships. Through this 60-minute seminar, learn to explain the difference between mental distress and mental illness, describe common mood and anxiety disorders and their signs and symptoms, and demonstrate effective coping strategies for personal & professional settings. Click here to register now....


Putting Your Best Interview Forward (LEAP)

Whether you are preparing for employment, school admissions, or even trying to gain more knowledge about a person, place, or thing, your interviewing skills will determine the outcome. Preparation is key in having a successful interview and in this workshop, you will learn appropriate tools to effectively engage in any type of interview, prepare yourself...


Maternal Mental Health (OWL)

Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) are the most common complication of pregnancy. 1 in 7 moms and 1 in 10 dads suffer from postpartum depression yet only 40% of mothers will seek treatment for their depression. While pregnancy and childbirth can be an exciting and celebratory time for mothers and families, PMADs can have...


Developing Future Aspirations (LEAP)

Do you have a dream or future aspiration you wish to accomplish? Take a step back and ask yourself this question, “What steps am I taking to get there?”. Sometimes we are unsure of how to start the process to develop and reach our personal or professional goals. In this Developing Future Aspirations workshop learn...

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention is an educational program designed to teach gatekeepers-those who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide (e.g., parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, caseworker, police officers)-the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to respond by following three steps: Question the...


LEAP: It’s About Time (Management)

There are 24 hours in a day, how do you juggle it all in order to make the most out of your time? Join us for our time management and organization workshop to learn more about the relationship between your time management and how to organize your priorities, how to develop strategies to create useful...
